Learn More About Kids’ Chance of Texas
Who is Eligible to Apply for the Scholarship?
Basic Eligibility Requirement
Must be 16 to 25 years old during the semester for which the scholarship is awarded.
Dependent of a parent who was catastrophically or fatally injured in a work-related accident.
Enrolled as a full-time student at a university, college, technical, or trade school.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
When is the scholarship deadline for new applications?
June 1st for the Fall semester or November 1st for the Spring semester.
Is the scholarship awarded for a year or a semester?
Scholarships are usually awarded for one undergraduate academic year (provided you meet the scholarship requirements between semesters).
Can you re-apply after receiving a scholarship?
Yes! You can re-apply each year you are eligible.
What is the maximum scholarship available?
Eligible scholarship recipients may receive up to $2,500 per semester, for up to four academic years. The maximum total scholarship available is $20,000 per student.
What can the scholarship pay for?
Educational necessities such as tuition, books, fees, housing or meal plans. The award varies for university, college, technical, or trade school and depends on the needs and expenses of the individual student.
Did the employer have to be covered by Texas Workers’ Compensation insurance?
No, any workplace accident that occurred while your parent was living in Texas would meet that eligibility requirement.
Who is defined as a “parent?”
If you are a natural, adopted, step-child, or full dependent of the injured employee, they are your parent.
Can siblings also apply for the scholarship?
Yes! As long as the siblings meet the eligibility requirements, they can apply.
What about if high school graduation is a few years away?
Kids’ Chance has a “Planning for the Future” section where you can submit your information and be contacted closer to graduation with application details. Visit https://www.kidschance.org/planning-for-the-future/.
How can I make a tax-deductible donation or volunteer to help?
Sponsors, donors, and volunteers are always needed and appreciated! See our events page to see how you can support Kids’ Chance of Texas and fill out our volunteer form. Online donations are also accepted through our website or you can email us for more information.
Do you need a Spanish version of the application?
Yes! We have a Spanish version of the Kids’ Chance Application. Download HERE!